A : You certainly can.
Summary of Fees
Total Cost
1st payment
Item Price
+ 8% Service fee (min. 9 USD)
2nd payment
3 USD per seller (Receiving fee)
+ Domestic Shipping cost
+ International Shipping cost
You will pay...

8 % Service fee
- Service fee is 8% of the total price of the items in your cart.
- The minimum service fee is $9 USD per order.

3 USD for each seller (Receiving fee)
- 3 USD is charged for each seller in the single order in which you want us to purchase the items.
- Please note that some marketplaces, such as Shopee and Lazada, have multiple sellers on the same platform.

The cost of the item and domestic shipping
- The actual cost
- Charged by a seller/store from which you want us to purchase.
*Please note that the domestic shipping cost is the fee charged by the sellers for delivering the requested items from their stores to our warehouse.
**Because we charge in USD, the price of an item may fluctuate due to the daily exchange rate.

International shipping cost
- The actual cost
- Charged by Thailand Post / DHL
*Please note that the shipping cost quoted on the website includes the package register fee (tracking number), insurance, postage, and a sturdy cardboard box for shipping your items safely.
**Prices are subject to change based on the daily exchange rate.

PayPal fee
- Charged by PayPalWe use PayPal as the payment gateway for adding money to the wallet on our website to ensure a safe and secure transaction for both buyers and sellers.

Some items will be sold only at a specific time outside of our working hours, or they may be sold out in a matter of minutes. Our team can assist you in obtaining such items.
An additional fee will be charged for purchasing an item for you on the specified date and time.
– Regular service fee plus $12 USD if the time and date fall within our business hours.
– Regular service fee plus $20 if the time and date fall outside of our business hours.
The customer can use this option by selecting it on the order form so that we can determine whether or not our staff is available to purchase the item(s) for you at that time.