
How to order at Thaifii.

STEP 0 : Log in to your account

If you do not already have an account, please create one before placing an order. ​

STEP 1 : Add a new item

Select the +ADD ORDER option. Complete the order form. In the form, tell us about the product you want to buy.
Where is the ADD ORDER button?
- on desktop : Top menu bar
- on mobile : Bottom menu bar

STEP 2 : We will check availability for you!

Within one business day, we will confirm the item's name, price, and availability. If your item is available for purchase, we will upload it to your account and notify you via e-mail.

STEP 3 : 1st Payment

On ITEM LIST page, add all items you would like to buy to the same cart then make a payment. You can change the quantity of each item or remove any items you don't want.
*Please ensure that your Thaifii wallet balance is sufficient to cover the transaction. PayPal can be used to fund the wallet.


STEP 4 : We make the purchases on your behalf.

We will purchase the item for you once we have received your money. If we are unable to purchase the item for you, we will refund your money to you within 24 hours.

STEP 5 : Items are delivered to our warehouse.

When your packages arrive at our warehouse, we will weigh and measure them, calculate the international shipping fee, and notify you via email.
* An item can be kept in our warehouse for up to 30 days after it arrives.

STEP 6 : Shipping options, Combine, Declaration

Go to the MY PACKAGE menu to view the details of each package that has arrived ( size, weight, photo). Select the options, enter the declared value, and place all packages into the same cart that you want to combine and ship as one shipment.

Speed up!

If you want to ship your package within 24 hours, you can choose the Speed Up option.

STEP 7 : 2nd Payment

The list of all shipping options with calculated fees is available on the checkout page. Make a payment after selecting on a shipping method.
* Please make sure that your Thaifii wallet balance is sufficient to cover the transaction.


STEP 8 : Your package has been shipped!

Following payment, items will be shipped within 2-3 business days. The tracking number will be provided to you.

Getting Started With Us!